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Quality of Raw Materials

Genuine human-grade quality of all raw materials - a standard at Dog's Heaven 

Only food-safe ingredients are used for all Dog's Heaven fresh menus. This means that at the time of production of our Dog's Heaven menus in our production facility, the quality of all raw materials corresponds to that required by law for processing in the food sector. As our production partner is an approved food company and has so far only manufactured products for the human food sector, only food may be stored and processed there. 

This high quality is a matter of course for us at Dog's Heaven and a standard we live by. In addition to the unmistakable freshness and naturalness, you can smell the quality of the ingredients as soon as you open a Dog's Heaven fresh menu.

What does human-grade quality mean? 

It is important for us to clearly show our customers the difference between food-safe raw materials and the K3 material normally used in the animal feed industry. 

Real, verifiable human-grade quality for pet food products was used for the first time by Terra Canis. This means that a completely new quality standard has found its way into pet food. This quality standard is continued by Birgitta Ornau (founder of Terra Canis) at Dog's Heaven. In accordance with legislation, pet food is generally produced with K3 material. The entire animal feed industry is based on this. 

Why genuine human-grade quality for dogs 

The dog, a carni-omnivore

If we take a look at the ancestors of our dogs, the wolves, we can see that the carnivore-omnivore (carnivorous and omnivorous) wolf generally prefers to eat freshly killed prey. If hunting success fails to materialize, they have a certain flexibility due to their nutritional physiology and, as so-called "opportunistic eaters", can also get by with carrion, carcasses or plant food. However, their nutritional requirements are basically met by eating fresh prey. This means that their diet can hardly be surpassed in terms of freshness. Only the stomach and intestinal contents of their mostly herbivorous prey have been pre-digested to a certain extent - but the fiber, pre- and probiotics they contain are also a nutritionally valuable part of the wolves' diet. 

Maximum freshness and naturalness 

If we were to transfer the principle of freshness of a predator such as the wolf to our human diet, this would mean that we would have to eat meat immediately after killing or slaughtering the animal and fruit and vegetables immediately after harvesting. This is because the nutrient content and freshness of the food gradually decreases from that point onwards.

Human-Grade Quality 

Based on the absolutely natural and fresh nutritional concept of wolves, we only use raw materials for our Dog's Heaven Fresh Menus that are of food quality at the time of processing in our production, as this guarantees a high level of naturalness and the highest possible nutrient content. 

Human-grade quality means that the ingredients used meet the same standards that apply to human nutrition or to the production of food for human consumption.